What kind of food does a horse eat daily?

Horses are herbivores, meaning they primarily eat plants. Here's a breakdown of what a horse might eat daily:

Forage (Most Important):

* Hay: The cornerstone of a horse's diet. This provides roughage, fiber, and essential nutrients.

* Pasture: If available, horses graze on grasses, weeds, and other plants in pastures. This is a natural, beneficial part of their diet.

Concentrates (Supplements):

* Grains: Oats, corn, and barley can be added to a horse's diet for extra energy, but should be given in moderation.

* Commercial Feeds: These can provide specific nutrients that might be lacking in hay or pasture, like vitamins and minerals.


* Fresh Vegetables: Carrots, apples, and other safe vegetables can be given as treats in moderation.

* Salt & Minerals: Salt licks and mineral blocks are important for ensuring adequate intake of these crucial electrolytes.

Important Considerations:

* Quantity: The amount of food a horse needs depends on its age, size, activity level, and individual needs.

* Quality: The quality of hay and pasture is crucial. It should be free of mold and have adequate nutritional value.

* Water: Horses need constant access to fresh water.

It's essential to consult with a veterinarian or experienced horse owner to determine the best diet for your individual horse.