Is it safe to feed horses Bermuda hay?

Whether Bermuda hay is safe for horses depends on a few factors:

Generally safe:

* Properly cured and stored: Bermuda hay, when cured correctly and stored properly, is a nutritious and safe feed for horses.

* Suitable for mature horses: It's a good source of energy and protein, making it suitable for mature horses.

* Can be fed in moderation: Even with proper curing, Bermuda hay can be high in sugar and can cause digestive upset if fed in excessive amounts.

Potentially problematic:

* High sugar content: Bermuda grass is known for its high sugar content, which can be problematic for horses with metabolic conditions like Cushing's disease or insulin resistance.

* Low in calcium: Bermuda hay tends to be low in calcium, which can be a concern if the horse's diet is not supplemented appropriately.

* Potential for respiratory issues: In some horses, Bermuda hay can trigger respiratory problems due to its high dust content.


* Consult your veterinarian: It's always best to consult your veterinarian about what types of hay are appropriate for your horse's individual needs.

* Consider alternative hays: If your horse has sensitivities or metabolic concerns, consider alternative hays like Timothy or orchard grass.

* Monitor for signs of digestive upset: If you notice any signs of colic or digestive upset after feeding Bermuda hay, consult your veterinarian immediately.

* Monitor your horse's weight: Make sure your horse maintains a healthy weight and adjust the amount of Bermuda hay accordingly.

In conclusion, Bermuda hay can be a safe and nutritious feed for horses, but it's important to be aware of its potential drawbacks and consult with your veterinarian to ensure it's the right choice for your horse.