How to Feed a Horse Yeast

Horse owners may opt to add yeast to their horses diets in order to improve their digestion. Yeast is supposed to aid in breaking down food in the digestive tract and provides beneficial bacteria to the gut. When feed is broken down and digested more effectively, horses get more of the nutrition from the feed and less of it is passed through the bowels without being digested. Yeast can be safely added to a horse's feed if done properly in moderate doses.


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      Consult your veterinarian about adding yeast to your horse's feed, especially if your horse has experienced digestive issues in the past or has any other medical conditions.

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      Purchase a yeast culture supplement to add to your horse's feed. Read the instructions on the product and determine how much of the supplement is appropriate to feed a horse of your horse's weight and age.

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      Add the specified amount of yeast supplement to your horse's regular daily grain ration. Put yeast in bucket before the grain and stir them together to make sure the supplement mixes with the grain and is consumed instead of falling to the bottom of the bucket when the feed is poured to the horse.