Low Carb Equine Foods

An active horse requires a great deal of energy from its diet. If a horse ingests too many carbohydrates too fast, however, there is risk of colic and indigestion resulting from the horse's colon not being able to process the carbohydrates fast enough. It is important, just as with humans, that a horse eat a well-balanced diet. Your horse's diet should include energy sources like fats and carbohydrates, as well as proteins, vitamins and minerals.
  1. Triple Crown Complete formula

    • The "complete" formula from Triple Crown offers a feed high in fiber and low in carbohydrates. It boasts a 10 percent concentration of fat, which is the most in any feed labeled "complete" and available on the market as of August 2010. It contains the highest concentration of fat in a feed not specifically geared toward increasing fat intake.

    Blue Seal Carb-Guard

    • Blue seal's low carb solution provides fiber easily digested by a horse and very low levels of the sugar and starch. These can collect in the equine colon, causing colic and other ailments. Blue seal promises absolutely no molasses in their feed, and they provide a number of vitamins and minerals as well, such as B-complex, Zinc, Copper and Manganese.

    Seminole Wellness Low-Starch Feed

    • Seminole wellness feeds are healthy options for feeding your horse. The low-starch solutions available from Seminole are varied, catering to many breeds of horses. "Calm Cool" is directed toward horses who may not be as active and live in cooler climates. "Show &Sport Formula" is meant to provide low-starch feed for horses who will burn through a great deal of energy.