How to Put Weight on an Old Horse

As a horse ages, it becomes more difficult to maintain a healthy weight. It is important to change your feeding habits to help your old horse gain weight. A horse's digestive system requires hay, water and minerals to operate properly. When the system lacks any of the requirements, your horse may lose weight. Also, parasites, both internally and externally, play a role in a horse's health. Preventative care is necessary to keep your horse healthy, because it is easier to keep weight on a horse than it is to add weight after it's lost.

Things You'll Need

  • Hay
  • Feed
  • Minerals
  • Dewormer
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      Exercise parasite control. Use a dewormer for your older horse that kills internal parasites, such as bots and worms. Keep the environment and water supply clean to prevent the growth of external parasites.

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      Float, or file, your horse's teeth. A horse's teeth grow constantly, causing them to develop sharp edges. The sharp edges cause your horse pain when chewing, which makes it eat less and lose weight. A veterinarian or equine dentist can float your horse's teeth, which can help an old horse gain weight.

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      Feed an unlimited amount of clean hay to an old horse. A horse's digestive system is designed to take in a large amount of fiber and water on a daily basis. Providing your older horse with an unlimited supply allows him to graze and gain weight.

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      Provide a high-protein feed specifically created for a senior horse. As a horse ages, the need for protein increases. A quality feed with 16 to 22 percent protein content will put weight on your older horse. Feed it three small meals so the digestive system can better absorb the protein.

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      Supply your old horse with a mineral block and an unlimited supply of clean water. The mineral block helps your old horse maintain a healthy level of salt and minerals, making it more likely to maintain a healthy weight.