What do mustangs horses like to eat?

Grasses and Other Vegetation: Mustangs are herbivores and their primary food source is grasses, making up about 90% of their diet. They have a wide-ranging diet that includes various types of grasses, such as blue grama, buffalo grass, cheatgrass, and fescue. When available, they also eat other vegetation, including herbs, shrubs, leaves, and twigs.

Browse: Mustangs may occasionally incorporate browse, which refers to woody plants like sagebrush, rabbitbrush, and other browse plants, into their diet. Browse provides them with essential nutrients, such as fiber and minerals.

Seasonal Variation: Their dietary habits shift depending on the seasons and availability of vegetation. During the spring and summer, mustangs focus on grazing on fresh, green grasses. As the seasons change to fall and winter, their diet shifts toward browse and dried vegetation due to limited availability of grasses.

Salt and Minerals: Just like other herbivores, mustangs require a balanced intake of minerals and electrolytes. They seek out natural salt licks or mineral deposits to obtain these essential nutrients, which help maintain their overall health and well-being.

Water: Access to fresh water is crucial for mustangs. They drink water daily and may travel significant distances to find reliable water sources, especially during dry periods.

Overall, mustangs have a diverse diet that includes a variety of grasses, vegetation, and browse, depending on seasonal availability. They are adapted to survive on the open range and can thrive on the vegetation found in their natural habitats.