How to Weld a Drill Tech to Horseshoes

Drill Tech is a soldering agent used to modify metal horseshoes. The Drill Tech is welded onto the underside of horseshoes to provide extra grip and traction to the smooth metal shoes to give horses extra friction when traveling over slick, slippery surfaces. Welding Drill Tech is done before the shoes are put on a horse, so you can weld an entire stack of shoes at once in just a short amount of time.

Things You'll Need

  • Horseshoe
  • Vise
  • Acetylene torch
  • Drill Tech rod
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    • 1

      Place the horseshoe in a vice with the underside of the horseshoe facing upward. The front tip and sides of the horseshoe should be free from the vise and visible. Only the back corners of the horseshoe should be covered by the vise.

    • 2

      Apply the flame from an acetylene torch to the front end of the horseshoe until it is heated thoroughly. You will know the horseshoe is hot enough when the metal glows red.

    • 3

      Touch the tip of a Drill Tech rod against the heated portion of the horseshoe and run it along to apply a thin layer. The length of the Drill Tech line should cover the entire front tip of the horseshoe.

    • 4

      Move the Drill Tech back and forth over the first layer until a thick pad of metal adheres to the horseshoe. Keep the flame of the torch next to the rod to maintain the heat of the horseshoe but don't apply heat directly to the Drill Tech itself.

    • 5

      Heat both sides of the horseshoe and apply Drill Tech to the same thickness as the Drill Tech on the tip. Allow the metal of the horseshoe and the Drill Tech to cool completely before removing the horseshoe from the vise and fitting it to your horse.