Horse Grooming Games for Girls

Teaching kids the details of any project can be a challenge. Grooming a horse is a physically demanding chore that some girls find boring or tedious. Finding a game that serves to reward the girls for their knowledge and hard work is an excellent way to improve their skills and teach them valuable lessons.
  1. Banding Contest

    • Learning to band a horse's mane is imperative for the show horse owner. Banding is a skill that is necessary so that the horse has the most attractive mane possible, and is something that Western breeds may require as part of their show turnout. Review the skills and the details of banding, such as the size of sections to band, grooming materials to use and the color, length and trimming of bands. Have the girls watch as you perform the lesson. Then have them compete between themselves. Awards can be given to the best banded horses.

    Show Turnout Contest

    • Preparing a horse for a show takes hard work and preparation. A large part of the horse's success will be determined by its appearance. Learning how to groom a horse to show standards is a great lesson for young horse owners. Tell the girls to prepare their horse for a professional halter class, then judge the horses by appearance and grooming standards. You can make examples of excellence and show areas of improvement on each animal.

    Daily Grooming Contest

    • Teaching youngsters how to groom on a daily basis for basic health is a lesson that is important for any horse owner to learn. Getting dirt and mud off, learning how to fly spray problem areas and picking out hooves to make sure that they are clean and tidy are all important lessons. Have a contest on who can remember all the steps to a daily grooming and see which girl does the best with her horse. Reward all the girls, but give a special award to the student who does the most thorough job.