How to Clip a Horse's Ears

Most people clip their horse's ears right before a horse show, but it is a good idea to do this once a month or so. Clipping the ears helps keep them clean and removes clumps of hair where parasites can nest.

Things You'll Need

  • Clippers
  • Halter
  • Clipper spray
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    • 1

      Wash the horse's ears thoroughly to remove as much dirt, loose hair and oil as possible. You don't need to clean inside the ear unless there is a lot of dirt, but make sure the outsides are as clean as possible. Then put your horse in a halter with a lead rope and guide him to a safe place for clipping.

    • 2

      Turn the clippers on and place them next to your horse's face. Let him get used to the noise and vibration before you attempt to clip the horse's ears. Many animals are afraid of clippers, so it might take quite some time to accomplish this step and you may have to do it for several days before you can actually start clipping.

    • 3

      Clip the whiskers, jaw and bridle path before you start the ears if you are going to clip everything. This gives your horse time to acclimate before you go for a more sensitive spot, and also clears the way so you'll be able to focus on the ears more carefully.

    • 4

      Fold the first ear together so that the ends touch, then start to clip from base to tip. Make sure that your horse is comfortable keeping his head fairly still and don't forget to clip the backs of the ears.

    • 5

      Repeat Step 4 for the other ear, making sure that you keep the same settings on the clippers. You may need to coat the clippers with clipper spray between ears so they aren't too hot or dry.

    • 6

      Run the clippers along the arc of the inside of the ear. You only need to clip the first two inches or so, because removing too much hair can strip your horse of his natural defenses against inner ear problems.