How to Clean a Mare's Genitals

A mare's genitals are usually cleaned before breeding and foaling and during heat cycles. Udders can accumulate a waxy substance that needs to be cleaned off periodically. Udders should also be cleaned prior to foaling and occasionally during nursing.

Things You'll Need

  • Sheath-cleaning product
  • Mild non-detergent soap
  • Clean towels and wash cloths
  • Clean soft sponge
  • Small bucket
  • Warm water
  • Betadine wash
  • Tail wrap
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  1. Clean a Mare's Udder

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      Use a sheath-cleaning product, such as those used on geldings and stallions to remove any waxy accumulation from the udder. Apply the product to a cloth or sponge and wipe it gently on the area to be cleaned.

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      Loosen the dirt and waxy buildup by rubbing with the cloth or sponge or using your hands. Apply more of the sheath-cleaning product as needed.

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      Wipe away the loosened material with the cloth or sponge. Feel with your fingers for bits of dirt, grime or waxy buildup and pick them off.

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      Wash the udder using warm water and mild non-detergent soap and rinse it thoroughly. Pat dry with clean towels.

    Wash a Mare's Genital Area

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      Wrap your mare's tail in a tail wrap to keep it out of the way.

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      Wash the genital area with warm water and a mild non-detergent soap. Use a soft sponge to wipe down the vulva and the hindquarters to either side. Rinse with warm water to remove the soap.

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      Clean the mare's vulva and adjacent hindquarters with Betadine wash or with a mild Betadine solution. Rinse with clean warm water and pat dry with clean towels.