How to Blanket Clip a Horse

A blanket clip is a method of trimming a horse's hair during the winter months when the coat grows long. A horse that is worked or exercised regularly will feel uncomfortable and hot with a thick layer of hair under the saddle blanket. Blanket clipping will help to keep the animal cool under the saddle during the months when the coat grows longer.

Things You'll Need

  • Electric clippers
  • Saddle blanket
  • Brush
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      Use extreme caution when introducing your horse to electric clippers, as many may spook. Begin by rubbing the clippers against the horse's coat while they are still turned off. You may need an extra hand to help hold and calm the horse while your clip. Occasionally, a horse will need mild sedation to allow you to perform a the clipping.

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      Talk to your horse in a calm manner and then turn on the clippers. Keep the clippers away from the horse for a bit, allowing him to get accustomed to the noise. Only when the horse seems comfortable should you begin clipping. You may need to expose the horse to the clippers everyday for a few days before you actually trimming the coat.

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      Bathe your horse thoroughly before clipping. Place the horses blanket on her back and use a piece of chalk to mark just beyond the blanket line. Begin at the top of the neckline and work in downward motions. Keep the clippers flat against the horse's skin to avoid unsightly clipper lines.

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      Brush out the coat when finished to remove excess hair and cover your horse's back with a blanket or rug to keep the area warm.