Introduce the electric clippers to your horse gradually, as many may spook and some may even require sedation, particularly for the body clip as you must hold the clippers near the horse's face. Begin by rubbing the horse's coat with the clippers while they are turned off. Speak to your horse continuously in a calm voice.
Continue speaking to your horse as you turn the clippers on. Give the horse plenty of time to get used to the sound. It may take a few days of this practice for your horse to adjust and calm down enough for the body clip. When ready, you may need an extra hand to help calm the horse as you clip.
Bathe your horse fully before clipping. Start clipping at the neck and head, where you may need to cut against the growth. Keep the clippers flat against the horse's coat to avoid making clipper lines. Be extremely carefully when clipping around the feet and hind end of your horse, as he may kick if spooked.
Brush your horse when finished to remove any excess hair clippings. Remember that it is important to keep your horse rugged when body clipping. The extra coat is your horse's protection against the cold, so keep her covered at all times.
How to Body Clip a Horse
Horses tend to grow a long coat in the winter months, which can be troublesome for a variety of reasons and may require clipping. While the most common clip is the blanket clip to keep the horse comfortable and cool under the saddle, if you compete, or if you want to assist your horse in losing that final coat as the summer months approach, a body clip can keep your horse looking sharp.