How to Braid Horses

Some equestrian shows require participating horses to have their tails and manes braided. Braids enhance a horse's appearance. They are also a good way to hide the horse's neck if necessary. Talk to your horses soothingly while you are braiding and they'll come to enjoy the process.

Things You'll Need

  • Hair clips
  • Braid puller
  • Yarn
  • Rubber bands
  • Spray sheen
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  1. Prepare Your Horse's Mane

    • 1

      Shampoo the horse's mane at least several hours ahead of time. A freshly shampooed mane will be slippery and difficult to braid. Spray sheen, used for a shinier coat, will also make the hair slippery. You may wish to apply this after braiding your horse's mane.

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      Brush the mane and make sure it is free of tangles. Use a detangling spray if necessary.

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      Pull the mane evenly to about 4 or 5 inches in length.

    Braid With Yarn

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      Cut your yarn into 10 loops. Measure each loop by passing the yarn from your thumb and forefinger, around your elbow, and back to your thumb and forefinger. Cut the loops in half.

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      Use a damp sponge to wet the horse's mane before you begin. Working from the bridle to the withers, divide the mane into sections with a comb. Use large hair clips to hold these unfinished sections and keep them away from the section you are braiding.

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      Select a section to braid and divide it in half. Add a string of yarn to the two strands of hair and begin to braid, pulling the strand on the right to the center, then the strand on the left to the center. Make the braid tight and keep the tension even. Tie the end of the finished braid with the yarn.

    • 7

      Make a braided loop. Push the eye of your braid puller through the base of the braid, at the horse's neck. Put the yarn into the eye and then pull the braid puller out again. Separate the end of the yarn into 2 strands, pass them around the back of the braid, and then tie them together to secure the braid.

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      Repeat until every section of the mane has been braided.

    Braid With Rubber Bands

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      Divide the horse's mane into several sections. Secure each section with a clip.

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      Braid each section to the end and secure with a rubber band. Twist the rubber band around the end several times for a secure hold.

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      Fold the end under the braid just enough to hide the rubber band. Twist another rubber band around this loop several times. Try to make the braid lie as flat as possible for a neat appearance.

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      Repeat for the remaining sections.