How to Massage a Horse

When you give your horse a massage, you're helping to relax its body and its brain. You are also helping to increase the horse's blood circulation, releasing tension and toning its muscles. Each time you brush and curry your horse, you are using two of the basic massage techniques. Everyone loves to have a massage, including your horse.


    • 1

      Stroke the horse gently with your hand as if you were brushing him. This is called the effleurage technique. Each massage should begin with this movement. Always move your hand in the direction that the hair grows.

    • 2

      Move your hand from the shoulders toward the rump along the horse's backbone, making small circles with your fingertips. Start on one side of the spine, and then move to the other.

    • 3

      Continue this movement as you move down the horse's body and legs.

    • 4

      Apply and release pressure gently, kneading with your bare hands. This is called petrissage, and it releases tension in the horse's muscles and soft tissues.

    • 5

      Talk gently and softly to your horse as you massage him. This will reassure and calm him.

    • 6

      Massage the horse gently with your hands, repeating Step 1 as you end the massage.