How do you change your lead when cantering a horse?

You can't actually "change" your lead while cantering. The lead refers to which front leg the horse leads with when cantering, and it's determined by the horse's natural gait and how it's been trained.

Here's what you can do:

* Ask the horse to change leads: You can use aids like your leg and rein pressure to cue the horse to change leads. This is often done by asking for a transition to a walk or trot, then back to a canter on the opposite lead.

* Encourage the horse to change leads: While the horse is cantering, you can use your seat and leg aids to encourage the horse to change leads. This is a more subtle approach and may take more time and practice.

Here's how to change leads when cantering:

1. Prepare for the change: Make sure you're in a safe, open space, with no obstacles or other horses around.

2. Signal the horse: Use your inside leg to push the horse slightly into the turn, while simultaneously using your inside rein to slightly guide the horse's head into the turn. You may also need to squeeze with your outside leg to encourage the horse to step underneath itself.

3. Maintain balance: The horse will likely have a moment of imbalance as it changes leads. Remain in a balanced seat to help your horse through this transition.

4. Reward the horse: Once the horse has changed leads, reward it with a release of the rein and a gentle pat on the neck.

It's important to note:

* Horse's comfort: Not all horses are comfortable changing leads, especially young or inexperienced horses. Start slowly and with short transitions.

* Correct form: If you're not confident in your ability to change leads, it's best to seek the help of a qualified riding instructor. They can provide guidance and ensure you're using the correct techniques.

* Safety: Always practice in a safe environment and with a horse you know well. Never try to force a change of lead.

Remember, changing leads is an advanced technique. It requires practice, patience, and clear communication between you and your horse.