How to Braid Button Braids on Horses

Button braids are a specific type of mane braiding style. These braids are commonly used during English riding competitions, in disciplines such as hunter, dressage or jumping. Button braids give the mane of the horse a neat, clean look. Also, because these braids are so short when finished, they help to keep the mane out of the rider's way. There are a few different ways to braid the mane into button braids. Although the button braiding technique is relatively easy, it may take some practice to make each braid even.

Things You'll Need

  • Horse rubber bands
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    • 1

      Wash the horse's mane before you begin braiding. It's often easier to braid the mane when it's still somewhat damp. A gel can also be applied to the mane. This will make braiding a little easier, and will keep any the stray pieces of mane neat.

    • 2

      Separate a piece of mane from the top of the neck, just after the ears. The size of the piece of mane you separate out depends on how large you want each button braid to be. Generally, a clump of mane between 1 and 3 inches wide is a good size.

    • 3

      Braid the clump of mane you've separate out. When you reach the very end, secure the braid with a horse rubber band. These are very small rubber bands, designed for braiding, which can be matched to the color of your horse's mane.

    • 4

      Continue separating and braiding evenly sized pieces of mane, all the way down the horse's neck. If the first section of hair you separated out was 2 inches wide, every section you braid down the horse's neck should also be two inches wide. This gives a much tidier appearance.

    • 5

      Go back to the first braid you made. Fold the tail of the braid under the main section of the braid, so that it touches the neck. Fold the braid under again, forming the button shape. Use a rubber band, in the middle of the braid, to hold it in place.

    • 6

      Continue folding under all of the other braids to complete the braiding. Smooth over or pluck out any stray hairs.