How to Braid a Foxhunter Mane

Fox hunting is an equine sport steeped in tradition. Originating in Europe in the 16th century, hunters on horseback would scour the fields with a pack of hounds, flushing out and killing pesky foxes. Killing foxes is now illegal in many places, but hunters still take great joy in flushing and chasing foxes through open fields. The appearance of horse and rider is a focal point in modern hunts, and braiding your fox hunter's mane before a hunt highlights your grooming expertise.

Things You'll Need

  • Halter
  • Comb
  • Spray bottle
  • Hair clips
  • Heavy thread
  • Scissors
  • Small rubber bands
  • Yarn hook
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    • 1

      Halter the horse and tie it to a secure hitching post. Braiding is a time-consuming process, and tying prevents the horse from wandering while you work.

    • 2

      Comb the mane to remove tangles, and dampen it with a water bottle. Divide the mane into 1 inch-wide sections, clipping each section together with a hair clip.

    • 3

      Add a dollop of hair gel to your hands and smooth it over the first section. Divide the hair into three pieces, braiding approximately halfway down the hair.

    • 4

      Cut a 12-inch piece of yarn and fold it in half, placing the yarn over the center section of hair. Continue braiding the hair, incorporating the yarn into the braid. This helps keep the yard secure and prevents it from slipping out during the hunt. Secure the end of the braid with a small rubber band.

    • 5

      Fold the finished braid in half, tucking the ends of the yarn up under the hair. Thread a yarn hook through the center of the braid near the top of the hair and wrap the yarn around the end of the hook. Pull the hook up through the hair, unwrapping the yarn from the hook.

    • 6

      Cross one free end of the yarn under each side of the braid, wrapping it completely around the braid twice. Tie a square knot in the thread and snip off the excess with a pair of scissors. Repeat Steps 3 to 5 with the remaining sections of hair to finish your fox hunter's braided mane.