Horse Washing Games for Girls

Grooming horses is a complicated task that requires concentration and elbow-grease. Getting girls to do a good job at what can be a mundane task can be a challenge. Making the job into a game is one way to encourage young ladies to do a thorough job when washing their equine companions.
  1. Individual Games

    • Set up the task as an assignment which will be judged and awarded with prizes, just as in any other competition. Assign each girl a horse and an alloted amount of time to complete the task. Assign the judging to a teacher or mentor. Prizes can be awarded to the cleanest and best groomed horse.

    Team Games

    • Divide a large group of girls into two or three individual teams. Assign each team a horse to wash in a specific amount of time. The team with the cleanest horse wins. You can also have awards for the horse that is best behaved while being bathed -- this tests the girls' abilities to quietly handle the task.

    Relay Games

    • Divide the girls into teams and have them work in relays to wash their horses. The horses must be washed in specific steps, with no step omitted, and the teams are watched by the judge. The first horse cleaned with all the steps followed is the winner.

    Creative Games

    • Put the girls in teams, then assign them each a horse to work on. Each team is presented with a problem, such as having no soap, no water hose, or no washcloths or sponges. The teams must figure out a way to clean their horses without these essential components.