How to Braid Rosettes on a Horse's Mane

Braiding rosette braids into a horse's mane is a variation on using English braids. If done well, rosette braids look very smart and produce a smaller, neater braid. They are more fiddly to do than English braids and you may struggle if your horse is not good at standing still. If you want to try rosette braids for a competition, practice first, and leave yourself plenty of time on competition day.

Things You'll Need

  • Halter
  • Haynet
  • Step (optional)
  • Comb
  • Rubber bands
  • Thread, the color of your horse's mane
  • Scissors
  • Large-eyed needle
  • Hair spray
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    • 1

      Tie up your horse and give him a haynet to encourage him to stand still. Standing on a step if necessary, use the comb to divide the mane into an uneven number of braids and secure the bunches with bands. To braid rosettes, you need only a small amount of hair per braid. You should have roughly 20 - 25 bunches.

    • 2

      Braid each bunch normally, keeping the braids really tight, especially at the root. When you are about two-thirds of the way down the braid, add in about 12" of thread. Plait the string into the braid as though it was part of the mane. When you reach the end of the braid, wrap the thread tightly around it to hold it in place.

    • 3

      Thread the needle with the ends of the thread. Pass the needle through the base of the braid so that the braid is doubled up. Pull the end of the braid right through the base so it sticks out a little.

    • 4

      Hold the end of the braid in one hand. Use the other hand to wrap the rest of the braid around the end as tightly as you can to form the rosette. If you have enough thread left over, tie it around the rosette to secure it. You can use a rubber band as an alternative. If the rosette looks a little loose, sew it firmly into place with needle and thread. Continue braiding down the whole mane, then finish with a spray of hair spray.