What is the wildlife of Western Lowlands?


* White-faced capuchin monkey

* Brown spider monkey

* Mantled howler monkey

* Two-toed sloth

* Three-toed sloth

* Armadillo

* Anteater

* Ocelot

* Jaguar

* Puma

* Margay

* Kinkajou

* Coati

* Agouti

* Paca

* Capybara

* Deer

* Tapir

* Peccary


* Scarlet macaw

* Great green macaw

* Blue-and-gold macaw

* Hyacinth macaw

* Red-lored parrot

* Yellow-headed parrot

* Chestnut-fronted macaw

* Military macaw

* Red-bellied macaw

* Blue-throated macaw

* Great curassow

* Bare-faced curassow

* Wattled curassow

* Rufous-headed woodcreeper

* Chestnut woodcreeper

* Plain xenops

* Streaked xenops

* Black-capped foliage-gleaner

* Rufous-rumped foliage-gleaner

* White-throated foliage-gleaner

* Amazonian antshrike

* Barred antshrike

* Ocellated antshrike

* Rufous-necked antshrike

* White-throated antshrike

* Spotted antbird

* White-throated antbird

* Black-crested antshrike

* Black-throated antshrike

* Cinnamon antshrike

* Rufous-throated antshrike

* Fulvous-chested thrush

* Golden-fronted thrush

* Black-capped thrush

* Rufous-bellied thrush

* White-throated thrush

* Pale-eyed thrush

* Clay-colored thrush

* Black-headed tanager

* Rufous-headed tanager

* Palm tanager

* Blue-gray tanager

* Swallow tanager

* White-lined tanager

* Bay-headed tanager

* Paradise tanager

* Opal-rumped tanager

* Golden-naped tanager

* Magpie tanager

* Gilt-edged tanager

* Red-capped cardinal

* Black-faced cardinal

* Summer tanager

* Scarlet tanager

* Red-crested cardinal

* Yellow-headed blackbird

* Crested oropendola

* Rufous-browed tanager

* Fulvous-chested tanager

* Scarlet-rumped tanager

* Crimson-collared tanager

* Red-capped cardinal

* Black-faced cardinal

* Red-crested cardinal

* Yellow-headed blackbird

* Crested oropendola

* Chestnut-headed oropendola


* Green anaconda

* Yellow anaconda

* Reticulated python

* Boa constrictor

* Emerald tree boa

* Rainbow boa

* Red-tailed boa

* Spectacled caiman

* Black caiman

* Alligator snapping turtle

* Side-necked turtle

* Matamata turtle

* Red-eared slider

* Yellow-bellied slider

* Painted turtle

* Musk turtle

* Iguana

* Green iguana

* Black iguana

* Brown basilisk

* Green basilisk

* Jesus Christ lizard

* Caiman lizard

* Tegu lizard

* Ameiva lizard

* Mabuya lizard


* Poison dart frog

* Red-eyed tree frog

* Green tree frog

* Bluejeans poison dart frog

* Yellow-banded poison dart frog

* Black-and-green poison dart frog

* Harlequin frog

* Marbled salamander

* Tiger salamander

* Newt

* Caecilian


* Arapaima

* Black bass

* Bluegill

* Catfish

* Clownfish

* Discus

* Electric eel

* Goldfish

* Guppy

* Hatchetfish

* Koi

* Lionfish

* Molly

* Neon tetra

* Oscar

* Pacu

* Piranha

* Pleco

* Rainbowfish

* Red-bellied piranha

* Red-tailed catfish

* Sailfin catfish

* Swordfish

* Tetra

* Tilapia

* Trout