Where do possums stay during daylight?

Possums are nocturnal animals, meaning they are most active at night. During daylight hours, they usually sleep in a variety of places, depending on the species and their environment. Here are some common places where possums rest during the day:

* Tree hollows: This is a very common hiding spot, especially for opossums. They seek out hollowed-out spaces in trees, often high up, for protection and concealment.

* Abandoned buildings: Possums may also take shelter in sheds, barns, garages, or even attics.

* Dense vegetation: Underneath thick bushes, in dense ivy, or in piles of leaves can provide a temporary, concealed spot for a possum to rest.

* Nests: Some species, like the ringtail possum, build nests in trees or rock crevices, which they use for both sleeping and raising their young.

* Burrows: While not as common, some species, like the brushtail possum, may occasionally utilize burrows created by other animals.

Ultimately, the specific location a possum chooses to rest depends on its individual needs and the available resources in its environment.