Where do grounds hogs live?

Groundhogs, also known as woodchucks, live in burrows that they dig themselves.

Where they dig their burrows:

* Open fields and meadows: These areas provide ample vegetation for food and open ground for digging.

* Edges of forests and woodlands: They often create their burrows near the border of forests for access to both vegetation and shelter.

* Pastures and farmlands: They often find good food sources and undisturbed areas to dig in these locations.

* Other areas with loose soil: They prefer soil that's easy to dig, so you might find them in areas with sandy or loamy soil.

Their burrows are typically:

* Underground: They go deep underground to create a network of tunnels and chambers for living, sleeping, and raising their young.

* Multiple entrances: These entrances help with ventilation and provide escape routes if necessary.

* Up to 35 feet long: Their burrows can extend quite a distance underground, making them quite complex.

So, while you may not see groundhogs above ground very often, you can find them in areas with suitable conditions for digging and living.