How to Anchor a Horse Barn to the Ground

High winds can spawn a tornado or straight-line winds that topple over and ruin outdoor structures. It is important to anchor a horse barn properly to the ground to protect your investment and your livestock inside. Your barn might seem large enough, so that you think it is heavy and will not budge in strong winds. Risking the injury or death of your pets is not worth the gamble for a short safety project.

Things You'll Need

  • Earth anchors
  • Metal pipe
  • Drill with 1/2-inch bit
  • Metal cable ties
  • 1/2-inch lag bolts
  • 2 pairs of pliers
  • Water (optional)
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    • 1

      Place a metal earth anchor inside your horse barn in one corner. Position it slightly farther from the vertical beam than the anchor is wide. For example, if the widest part of an earth anchor is 2 inches, place the anchor about 2 inches from the corner post.

    • 2

      Insert a metal pipe into the top of the anchor eye. Turn the pipe clockwise to drive the anchor into the ground. Continue turning it until the eye is at ground level.

    • 3

      Drill a hole entirely through the bottom of the corner post with a 1/2-inch drill bit. Pull the attached cable tie out of the earth anchor. If the model you are using doesn̵7;t have an attached cable, insert one end of a metal cable tie into the eye, fold it back onto itself and squeeze the fastener with pliers.

    • 4

      Thread the circular end of a metal cable tie onto the end of a 1/2-inch lag bolt. Insert the lag bolt into the drilled hole. Insert the nut onto the lag bolt end that is protruding from the outside of the barn. Have a helper grip the nut with a pair of pliers and hold it steady. Place a pair of pliers on the lag bolt head inside the barn and tighten it clockwise. The cable will be sandwiched between the post and the lag bolt head.

    • 5

      Repeat Steps 1 through 4 to add anchors on each vertical post.