Homemade Horse Stalls

You don't necessarily need an expensive new horse barn if you need a home for your horse. It's a simple process to upgrade your existing barn with a horse stall. The expense and materials needed depends on the type and size of barn you have. So, the place to start is to determine what you have and what you need. Normally, the size of the horse dictates the size of stall you need, but you should build the stall large enough to accommodate any size of horse.

Things You'll Need

  • 2 4- by 4-inch posts 8 feet long
  • 6 2-x 4-inch pieces of lumber 8 feet long
  • Drill or screw gun
  • Roll of 14-gauge welded wire
  • 2 12- by 12-foot gate panels
  • 7 1-by 4-inch boards 8 feet long
  • 2 clamps
  • 3-inch wood screws
  • Hammer and nails
  • 4 heavy-metal hinges
  • 2 heavy-duty door latches
  • Quick drying concrete
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    • 1

      Set one 12- by 12-foot gate panel and attach it to the post with a clamp where you want your stall. Screw the gate panel to the front post. Repeat the process with the second 12-by-12 gate panel at the next post and attach it with a clamp and screw it to the front post. Screw the panels securely using three-inch wood screws.

    • 2

      Set one 8-foot post by the gate panel and the other one in concrete beside the door opening four feet apart. Build your frame for the front using the 2-by-4 to frame the front section 4 feet high. Cut the 1-by-4 in half and screw the two piece to the front. Use 14-gauge welded wire above the front wall to the ceiling to close it in and run the last 1-by-4 across the wire to hold it in place and nail it securely.

    • 3

      Frame the door into two sections using the last 2-by-4 and two 1-by-4 boards for the top and bottom doors. Attach the hinges to the bottom door. Do not hang it too low, so it won't drag the ground when it opens. Follow the same process to hang the top door. You will need a helper to hold the doors while you attach the hinges to the post. Once you are finished hanging the doors, attach the latch to the door front.