How to Install a Wooden Horse Fence

Having horses is a fulfilling experience. Their beauty and grace have inspired men and women for generations. Housing your equine companion can be a challenge, however, as these animals are large and very powerful. Finding a safe way to keep them confined while allowing them the freedom of movement can be difficult. Wooden horse fencing is one of the better choices for equines. Knowing how to install a wooden fence properly is key to the owner that chooses this option.

Things You'll Need

  • Stakes
  • Cement
  • Post-hole digger or auger
  • 4-inch wooden posts 8 feet in length, heavy duty and treated
  • 2-by-4 lumber pieces
  • Nails
  • Hammer
  • Wire
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    • 1

      Mark the corners of your pasture with the stakes. Then measure where the corner posts need to be sunk and stake those spots.

    • 2

      Dig holes where the stakes are to a depth of two feet minimum. Set your corner posts into concrete into these holes and allow them to set for 72 hours.

    • 3

      Create your H-braces with your corner posts. Do this by notching your corner posts 10 inches from the top and bottom, then inserting another 4-inch corner post that is notched to fit lengthwise between the two posts--creating an "H". Tighten the posts with wires strung between the two posts that is then twisted to create the tension necessary to press the wood together.

    • 4

      Dig holes for your fence posts every 10 feet along your fence line to a depth of two feet, set posts in concrete and allow to set for 72 hours.

    • 5

      Nail your 2-by-4 pieces into the corner posts to create your fence. You should have a minimum of three boards: top, middle, bottom. More boards mean more security. So if you can afford it, do four or even five.