Benefits of Tea Tree Oil
Tea tree oil offers many benefits to humans and, according to farrier Shelley Winston of Dripping Springs, Texas, tea tree oil properties offer the same benefits to horses. Of primary interest to horse owners in terms of hoof care is its ability to prevent and treat fungus. It also fights bacteria from infections, treats wounds or sores that may be in the hooves without damaging skin and tissue, penetrating the hoof well. Some horses cannot tolerate chemically laden hoof treatments, and their owners report less or no irritation from tea tree oil and tea tree products.
Tea Tree Preparation for the Hoof Bottom
Apply tea tree oil directly to the bottom of your horse's hooves. You can apply a few drops of tea tree oil directly to the affected areas on the bottom of your horse's hoof or, as preferred by horse farrier Shelley Winston, you can make a diluted solution for a more broad-spectrum application. As the oil does not mix well with water, if you want a water-soluble solution that can be applied to the bottom of the horse's foot, mix two tablespoons of tea tree oil with one tablespoon of vodka or Everclear alcohol and shake well. You can also mix tea tree oil with vegetable glycerin. Make sure it is well mixed and then add about an ounce of water and mix well. You can store this mixture in a spray bottle for easy application.
Tea Tree Hoof Oil
You can buy prepared horse hoof oil with tea tree in it or you can make your own to apply to the top of your horse's hoof. To make your own, use your preferred oil to act as a carrier for the tea tree oil, such as olive, avocado, almond or apricot. Your ratio of your oil product to the tea tree oil should be 4:1, but you can add more oil if you want a milder product. For the best results in using your tea tree mixture as a hoof oil to spread on the top of your horse's hooves, wet the hooves first so that the oil mix can permeate into them and then apply the oil along the coronary bands.
Tea Tree as a Thrush Treatment
A spray bottle offers a convenient application method for tea tree oil. One of the more common uses for tea tree oil in horse hooves is to treat thrush, a fungus that can be caused by soiled living conditions, contaminated materials or weather extremes, such as extreme dryness followed by periods of wet weather. Left untreated, thrush can permanently damage or compromise the integrity of the affected foot. You can soak the foot in a mixture of tea tree oil and water or spray your prepared mixture or a commercially prepared version onto the foot. You can also add a few drops of concentrated tea tree oil. The natural properties of tea tree oil are better for both the affected and surrounding healthy tissue in your horse's hooves.
Tea Tree Oil for Horse Hooves
Many horse owners laud the benefits of tea tree oil for several uses, such as skin conditions and and as a general antiseptic. Tea tree oil's antifungal properties also make it ideal for your horse's hooves, both for maintenance and prevention and to treat certain hoof conditions. Several suppliers carry hoof oil that contain tea tree oil, or you can buy the oil separately in many stores that carry natural-healing products.