How to Sponsor a Horse

The relationship between humans and horses dates back hundreds of years. Unfortunately, sometimes horses are in situations that are abusive or neglectful. Some horses may even be at risk of slaughter. Horse rescue programs exist to care for these horses in a safe and kind environment. These programs usually rely on outside funding for their operation. By sponsoring a horse in a rescue program, you provide financially for its daily care. You might also receive a package of materials and certifications about your horse.


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      Find a reputable horse sponsorship program. See the Resources section for links to reputable programs. Visit the website of the organization.

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      Make a donation. Make a payment via PayPal, credit card or other electronic payment if the website allows it. Or, download and print the sponsorship form and mail it to the program with a check.

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      Review the materials that you get in the mail about your sponsored horse. Look at the pictures of your horse, and read any information about your horse to get to know him. Frame the sponsorship certificate if you receive one, and hang it on your wall.