Harmful Effects of Not Cooling Down a Horse

Exercising in extreme temperatures can be strenuous and may result in negative side effects if not done properly. In warm weather, horses can get overheated while performing vigorous activities under saddle. It is important that riders spend time cooling down their horses after strenuous warm weather rides in order to avoid a variety of heat-induced health problems and complications.
  1. Heat Stress and Heat Stroke

    • The primary benefit of the cool down period is to help your horse release the heat that built up in its muscles during the workout. Sweating and evaporation help relieve some of the heat, but without the cool down period a horse may have a harder time returning to a normal body temperature, which can cause it to suffer from heat stress or even heat stroke. Exposing the horse to additional air flow and even lukewarm water will help dissipate heat and allow it to return to a normal body temperature and condition more quickly.


    • Allowing your horse to eat or drink while hot can cause him to experience colic. Colic is a dangerous condition where the horse experiences significant stomach pain, often caused by a blockage of some sort. The horse will be unable to eliminate and in some severe cases may die. Horses need to drink water in order to rehydrate, so it is important to cool them down enough that they can drink safely after a ride.


    • Laminitis, which is also called founder, is a serious health condition that occurs when the laminae in the feet become inflamed and swell. This condition can cause the horse a significant amount of pain and lead to long-term lameness. Some horses that are severely affected have to be put down. Overheating is one of the conditions that has been documented as a cause of laminitis. By cooling down your horse properly, you can help prevent the chances of this condition occurring.

    Other Related Problems

    • It is never a good idea to allow a horse to become too hot, as overheating is linked to a wide variety of other problems. Cooling down your horse will help limit problems as well as the severity of problems that may occur. Health problems that have been linked to overheating include shock, diarrhea, kidney failure and muscle cramping and stiffness. Horses that become extremely overheated for long periods of time may die.