What Is an RWR Drive?

Drive is an anabolic drug that is developed by the veterinary product company RWR. The product is primarily administered to performance horses, which receive RWR Drive by an intramuscular injection.
  1. Function

    • RWR Drive is a product for performance horses that balances their nitrogen and increases virility and aggressiveness while reducing stress. It is also effective for horses recovering from an injury.


    • RWR Drive comes in a 10ml bottle. Its active ingredients include a mix of boldenon undecylenate, methandriol diporpionate and an oil base. Boldenon undecylenate, also known as equipoise, extends the activity of RWR Drive while methandriol diporpionate enhances muscles.

    Time Frame

    • A 5ml injection of RWR Drive will last a performance horse for up to two weeks. When given to foals only a 2ml dose is needed unless they have been weaned, in which case a 3ml injection is recommended by RWR.