How to Kill Lice on Horses

When a horse becomes infected with lice, it is crucial to act quickly. If not treated properly, lice on horses can lead to serious health problems. A horse's skin is extremely sensitive, so be sure to pick a product that's made for horses. Lots of products are available to treat lice, but the best thing to do is to wash the horse with a lice shampoo. It is wise to get a vet's advice on treatment options.

Things You'll Need

  • Buckets
  • Lice shampoo for horses
  • Towels
  • Large sponges
  • Sweat scraper
  • Brush
  • Lice comb
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  1. Treatment

    • 1

      Fill a large bucket with warm water. Mix the lice treatment shampoo into the bucket, following package instructions.

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      Dip a sponge into the solution. Scrub the horse thoroughly with the treatment. Cover all areas of the horse's body, including the mane and tail. Do not get any shampoo in the horse's eyes. Allow the shampoo to sit on the horse for a few minutes.

    • 3

      Rinse off the shampoo thoroughly. Use warm water instead of cold. This will keep the horse calm.

    • 4

      Use a sweat scraper to remove excess water. Towel dry the horse's body and legs. Rub the towel in a circular motion to remove all water. Use a soft towel on the horse's face. The horse should be completely dry.

    • 5

      Lightly brush the horse to remove any dead lice. Use the lice comb to check the mane and tail for lice. Softly check the rest of the horse's body for lice. If you find any that are still alive, repeat the bathing process.

    • 6

      Put the horse in an area away from other horses until all the lice are gone. Keep the horse in a stall or small paddock so you can check for allergic reactions.