How to Deal With Proud Flesh in Horses

Granulation tissue is a pink-colored, fleshy material that normally helps with the healing of soft tissue. Granulation tissue is supposed to stop forming when new skin starts to grow around the wound. When it doesn't, and begins to mound up over the edges of the wound, it becomes known as "proud flesh" and must be treated; proud flesh prevents the wound from closing up and healing completely. Proud flesh normally occurs in wounds on the lower leg, but can happen on other parts of the horse's body.

Things You'll Need

  • Veterinarian
  • Wrapping materials recommended by your veterinarian
  • Topical cortisone medication
  • Topical antibiotic cream
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      Call your veterinarian to have the proud flesh trimmed down. Only trimming will stop the growth of proud flesh.

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      Cover the wound between trimmings to try to prevent the proud flesh from continuing to grow.

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      Ask your veterinarian for a topical cortisone medication to apply to the wound. The cortisone helps stop the proud flesh from growing.