Uses for Winstrol in Horses

Winstrol, also referred to as stonozolol, is a type of anabolic steroid that has been shown to help improve overall physical condition in both horses and humans. Winstrol works by increasing the retention of nitrogen and other minerals as well as reversing tissue depletion. Winstrol is commonly given to horses that need to gain weight, muscle, stamina and to improve the horse's overall appearance.
  1. Improve Appetite and Increase Weight Gain

    • Pfizer, the drug company that manufacturers Winstrol-V for horses, dogs and cats, claims that the "anabolic effects lead to improvement in appetite, increased vigor and notable gains in weight." However, Pfizer also points out that Winstrol should be used as part of a balanced nutrition program and needs to combined with "adequate and well-balanced" dietary intake to achieve the best results.

    Accelerate Recovery

    • According to Pfizer, the clinical conditions in horses that are the "most amenable to treatment" using Winstrol are those related to "debilitated states resulting from illness, surgery, traumatic injuries or plain overwork." These horses benefit from Winstrol's documented ability to reverse tissue depletion in mammals, as well as the additional retention of minerals that have been linked to use of the steroid.

    Improve General Physical Condition

    • Overall, Winstrol has been shown to improve the condition of horses who are not in the best physical shape or health. Winstrol also has been used to improve the musculature and appearance of competition show horses by adding muscular bulk to their forms.


    • Winstrol is a steroid and has been linked to hormone issues and infertility issues in horses, according to the Alberta, Canada, department of Agriculture and Rural Development.

      Winstrol should only be given to horses when prescribed by a veterinarian.