Natural Herbs for Growing Foals

Supplementing a horse's diet with herbs and vitamins is a common way many horse owners optimize their horse's feed to or add extra benefits.

Herbs are primarily added to a horse's feed, and many supplements designed for young horses combine a variety of herbs and vitamins.

While no herbal supplements can actually be proven to help a young horse grow, natural herbs can be used to improve health and treat problems that can detract from a foal's growth.
  1. Herbal Wormers

    • Herbal wormers are advertised and promoted as a safe and chemical-free alternative to traditional wormers. Most herbal wormers contain ingredients such as fennel, garlic, hyssop, yeast, wormwood, thyme, pumpkin seeds, sage, olive leaf and clover. Herbal wormers have to be given to horses more frequently than traditional chemical wormers. Such wormers do not have the documented scientific results of chemical wormers but can provide an alternative method of worming for individuals who do not want to expose their foals to chemicals.

    Increase Blood Flow

    • According to Natural Equinen, herbs such as ginkgo, ginger, cayenne, feverfew and Siberian ginseng are commonly believed to help increase blood flow. Increased blood flow can lead to better circulation, more energy and better growth in young horses.

    Destroy Bacteria

    • Herbs that are supposed to inhibit the growth and destroy harmful bacteria, viruses and amoebas are echinacea, goldenseal, myrrh, chaparral, juniper berries, thyme and garlic. Sick foals will expend much of their energy fighting disease. By preventing disease, the foal is more likely to grow at a healthy rate.