COPD, the obstruction of air passages, is also called heaves. Heaves is a sign of asthma in horses, which is indicated by various respiratory symptoms. The horse may appear to have difficulty pushing air out of her lungs, breathing may be rapid and shallow, and her nostrils will often flare in and out due to breathing difficulties. She may have a persistent cough that worsens over time. Due to the strong contraction of stomach muscles caused by breathing problems, the sides of the abdomen may look shrunken or tucked in. Also, she may emit a wheezing or whistling sound as she struggles to inhale and exhale. All of these symptoms can become more severe, especially in response to vigorous exercise.
When a horse's airways are blocked, oxygen cannot easily flow through the body. Oxygen is needed to nourish blood cells and regulate various body functions. The lack of oxygenated blood decreases energy level,s causing extreme fatigue. Accordingly, the horse may display difficulty while completing regular activities, such as racing and running. The horse may need to rest after walking a short distance, refrain from moving around or exercising, lay in one spot for extended periods and have trouble standing up.
Other Symptoms
Horses with asthma will often have a yellow nasal discharge, particularly after exercise. Eating and drinking is difficult when air passages are blocked so the horse may refuse food and water, causing weight loss. The horse's gums or tongue may turn blue indicating that her vital tissues are not receiving enough oxygen. Also, a rapid heartbeat often develops in response to blocked airways.
Signs of Asthma in Horses
Asthma is a condition caused by the development of inflammation in the lungs. Horses often display symptoms that are similar to those of human asthma sufferers; however, asthma symptoms in horses are known as equine asthma. COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease) and SPAOPD (Summer Pasture Associated Obstructive Pulmonary Disease) are both forms of equine asthma. There are several signs that indicate if asthma is affecting a horse.