Things You'll Need
- Calendar
- 2 broad-spectrum dewormers
- 2 pyrantel pamoate-based dewormers
- 2 fenbendazole-based dewormers
Determine what class of dewormer to use, based on the month. According to Drs. Foster &Smith Educational Staff, broad-spectrum dewormers should be used in March/April and in September/October. Pyrantel-pamoate dewormers should be used in January/February and in July/August. Fenbendazole dewormers should be used in May/June and November/December.
Administer the appropriate dewormer to the horse at the beginning of the month and record on the calendar which product was used and when. Wait two months, and then administer the next type of dewormer as indicated in Step 1.
Continue the process, using a different class of dewormer every two months. After a year you will have gone through six different dewormers, two from each class. After using the last dewormer, purchase six new dewormers as before and begin the rotation again.