How do you know if your horse has coggins?

You can't know if your horse has Coggins just by looking at them. Coggins is a test, not a disease. It's a blood test that checks for the presence of antibodies to Equine Infectious Anemia (EIA), a serious and often fatal disease.

Here's how to know if your horse has Coggins:

1. Get your horse tested: The only way to know for sure if your horse has EIA is to have them tested by a veterinarian. The test is called the Coggins test, and it involves taking a blood sample from your horse.

2. Check for a Coggins certificate: A valid Coggins certificate is required by most horse shows, competitions, and events, as well as for transportation across state lines. Your vet will issue a certificate if your horse tests negative.

3. Understand the timeframe: A negative Coggins test is valid for one year. You'll need to get your horse retested annually.

Symptoms of EIA:

While a Coggins test is the only way to definitively diagnose EIA, here are some symptoms that could indicate a problem:

* Weight loss

* Fever

* Anemia

* Swelling of the legs and abdomen

* Difficulty breathing

* Weakness

* Loss of coordination

Important Note: If you suspect your horse may have EIA, contact your veterinarian immediately.