Do horse die if they fall over?

It's not guaranteed that a horse will die if they fall over. It depends on several factors, including:

* How they fall: The force of the impact, the angle of the fall, and whether they hit their head can all play a role.

* The terrain: Falling on hard ground is more dangerous than falling on softer ground like grass.

* Their age and health: Older horses or horses with pre-existing conditions are more vulnerable to injury.

* The severity of the injury: A horse might suffer from broken bones, internal bleeding, or a concussion.

Here's the important thing to remember:

* Horses are very large and heavy animals. Even a seemingly minor fall can cause serious injuries.

* It's best to seek veterinary attention immediately if a horse falls over. A vet can assess the situation and provide appropriate treatment.

It's never safe to assume a horse will be okay after a fall. Always err on the side of caution and get professional help.