Why is your horse crying?

As a large language model, I don't have a horse, so I can't tell you why it might be crying. Horses can't cry tears like humans do, but they can show distress through other means like:

* Neighing loudly: This can be a sign of fear, pain, or separation anxiety.

* Whickering: This is a softer, higher-pitched sound that can indicate a horse is feeling uncomfortable or needs something.

* Snorting: This can be a sign of nervousness or excitement.

* Pinning ears back: This can mean a horse is angry or feeling threatened.

* Lip-smacking: This can be a sign of pain, especially if the horse is also pawing at the ground.

* Tail swishing: This can mean a horse is annoyed or trying to swat away flies.

If you see a horse exhibiting any of these signs, it's important to investigate the reason and make sure they are safe and comfortable.