How to Keep Horse's Hooves Warm

"No hoof, no horse" is a common saying among horse people. If a horse is sore or lame on one leg, it can't move in an even, steady manner and shouldn't be ridden. In some cases, such as an abscess or foot bruising, making and keeping the hoof warm can help draw out infection and keep the horse comfortable as it heals. Warming a hoof can also treat ailments, such as thrush or other types of fungus. With a few household items, you can keep the hoof warm and bring some relief to your horse.

Things You'll Need

  • Rubber tub or bucket
  • Hot water
  • Epsom salts (optional)
  • Poultice
  • Flexible, self adhesive disposable tape
  • Baby diaper
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      Fill a rubber tub or bucket with hot water. Place your horse's hoof in the bucket and allow the horse to stand for 20 to 30 minutes. Mix in Epsom salts in the event of an abscess to aid in drawing out infection. Repeat several times daily.

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      Apply a poultice soaked in hot water with a plastic backing to hold in heat. Secure the poultice with flexible, self adhesive disposable tape. Keep the poultice on the hoof for 24 hours, then remove and reapply a fresh poultice if needed.

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      A simple baby diaper soaked in hot water can warm a hoof.

      Soak a baby diaper in hot water. Wrap the wet diaper around your horse's hoof and secure with tape. Remove the diaper and reapply a clean diaper soaked in hot water as needed.