Horse Diseases Symptoms

Anyone who owns or spends a great deal of time around horses should acquaint themselves with some of the symptoms of common equine maladies. Knowing these symptoms can precipitate a quick diagnosis and get the horse much needed veterinary care.
  1. Types

    • Poor appetite, nasal discharge and swollen lymph nodes in the region of the lower jaw characterize a highly contagious horse disease called strangles. The swelling has the ability to hinder the breathing of the horse, hence the name of the ailment.


    • Encephalitis is a horse disease transmitted through mosquito bites, viral in nature and potentially very serious. The visible signs are loss of coordination in the animal and a lethargic temperament; muscle twitching and staggering as the horse walks are signs that the disease is advanced.


    • A newborn foal is at potential risk of tetanus, which can enter the animal via the umbilical cord stump. Stiffness, spasms of the neck, jaw and hind legs and difficulty breathing are frequently seen symptoms of tetanus in a horse.


    • Swamp fever, also known as equine infectious anemia, often comes on so quickly that the horse dies before presenting any symptoms. This often-fatal ailment manifests itself with weight loss, sweating, fever and extreme weakness.


    • Cushing's disease is incurable but a horse can live a somewhat normal life with it. A tumor that develops on the pituitary gland results in a long coat, huge appetite increase, weight loss despite eating heavily and increased drinking of water.