How to Treat Equine Salmonellosis

Salmonellosis is the most common cause of infectious diarrhea in the adult horse and an important cause of septicemia---poisoning of the blood from toxins---in foals. According to Dr. Simon Peek, DVM, University of Wisconsin, many species of salmonella are infectious to horses, although the majority of cases are caused by Salmonella typhimurium and Salmonella Newport. Salmonella is remarkably resistant to environmental factors and remains alive for months or years in soil and manure. Enteric salmonellas---acute diarrhea---is a severe inflammation of the small and large colon, often complicated by toxicity related to the absorption of bacteria. The onset is sudden and death can occur within twelve hours. This disease is transferable from equines to humans.

Things You'll Need

  • Intravenous fluids of electrolyte solutions
  • Thermometer
  • Stethoscope
  • Anti-Inflammatory drugs
  • Endoserum
  • Disinfectant
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      Call the veterinarian immediately if your horse develops symptoms of Salmonellosis such as chronic diarrhea, colic, fever of 104 degree or higher, increased heart and respiratory rates, progressive weakness, depression, dehydration and circulatory collapse.

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      Quarantine the horse to prevent other horses from developing Salmonellosis. Enteric Slamonellosis is extremely contagious since it is feco-orally spread.

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      Diagnosis the condition to be Salmonellosis via stool examination analyzed by your veterinarian. At least five negative stool cultures are required to exclude the diagnosis.

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      Promptly administer intravenous electrolyte solutions and plasma to correct the effects of dehydration and electrolyte and protein losses.

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      Administer anti-inflammatory drugs such as phenylbutazone or fluunexin meglumin, commonly called Banamine, to mitigate the effects of the endotoxins by reducing body temperature and minimizing associated shock.

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      Administer Endoserum intravenously. It is an antiserum, which contains high levels of anti-endotoxin antibodies.

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      Clean and disinfect the stall thoroughly and maintain excellent hygiene for the horse.