Equine Seizures

Horses, like just about any other living creature, can experience seizures due to certain health and medical conditions. Epilepsy is the most common cause of seizures, and can result in injury to the horse if not properly controlled.
  1. Cause

    • Certain conditions, such as brain tumors or infections, can lead to seizures, as can heavy parasitic infestation.


    • A seizure can vary in intensity, and will usually consist of trembling, loss of consciousness and a vacant stare.


    • A veterinarian can discover the underlying cause of the animal's seizures, and determine if they are due to epilepsy. Some conditions can mimic the appearance of seizures, such as colic and narcolepsy.


    • Treatment will depend upon the underlying cause of the seizures, but veterinarians usually use two types of medications to control their severity---Diazepam and Phenobarbitone.

    Quality of Life

    • There is no way to prevent seizures, but in most cases, the horse is not adversely affected by the condition and is fine after the episode. Keep the horse clear of any objects that may fall on it or injure it during a seizure.