Equine Mange

Horse health is important in any setting. In most cases preventative health care is sufficient to keep a horse healthy. In the case of equine mange the only prevention is keeping your horse away from horses that exhibit symptoms of mange.
  1. Cause

    • Mange is a skin disease caused by mites, microscopic organisms that burrow under the horses' skin.


    • The mites cause itching, which prompts the horses to rub against fences, feed troughs, barn corners or any available object. This rubbing causes the skin to become swollen and inflamed and sometimes to rupture. The hair is often rubbed off at the head, back and base of the tail.


    • Since mites are living organisms, they can be transferred directly between healthy and infected horses and by using infected equipment on healthy horses.


    • Equine mange can be treated with insecticides. Some insecticides are applied directly to the horse as a spray or dip, others are sprayed on infected premises.

    Other Names

    • Equine mange is also called barn itch, scab and scabies.