An Epsom salt poultice can be applied to a horse's hoof to draw out abscesses or wrapped around a leg to soothe strains or sore muscles.
Despite its use on horses, Epsom salts can be purchased at your local pharmacy or health store. Take about a cup of the salts, add hot water to make a paste and apply to affected area. Wrap with cotton and vetwrap.
You can purchase premade Epsom salt poultices from many tack stores and equine supply catalogs such as Stateline Tack, Country Supply and Jeffers Equine. It usually is in gel form. Apply to desired area. You may choose to wrap with cotton and vetwrap, but it isn't necessary.
The use of poultices is relatively new. Old timers soak the hoof and leg in lukewarm water with a cup of Epsom salts for about 20 minutes. Either method is effective.
Poultices are easier to use. The horse doesn't have to stand with a foot in a bucket of water for an extended period of time.
Do not apply Epsom salts or Epsom salt poultices to an open wound without consulting a veterinarian.
Epsom Salt Poultices for Horses
When it comes to caring for a major equine injury, few things are as simple and as effective as Epsom salts. Primarily magnesium, the crystals could easily be grown at home using just basic chemistry principles. Epsom salts are an essential part of any horse owner's tack box.