How to Cleanse a Horse's Eyes

You catch your horse in the pasture and realize his eye is swollen and red, and wonder if he has something stuck in his eye. Or, after your ride in the arena that has been baked to a crisp by the summer sun, you see your horse blinking rapidly and tearing up because of all the dust flying around. Either of these scenarios, or any other time your horse shows the above symptoms, call for cleaning your horse's eye.

Things You'll Need

  • Helper
  • Saline solution
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    • 1

      Have your helper hold your horse with a firm but loose grip on the reins or a lead rope while you look at the eye. Don't let your helper hold your horse too tightly; this may make your horse nervous or cause him to act up.

    • 2

      Remove visible objects stuck to the eye if you can touch them without your fingers contacting your horse's eye.

    • 3

      Use a bottle of saline solution to rinse out your horse's eye by spraying the solution directly into the eye. You may need to hold your horse's eyelid open. Keep spraying until you see the object come out, or until your horse stops blinking so much. You may need to wait a few minutes to make sure your horse does not start acting pained again.