"Don't forget to get my teeth checked!"
It's important the equine's head is kept still for check-ups and procedures. This is usually accomplished with a head sling, with a metal speculum (a brace to keep the horse's mouth open) or even a human assistant.
Cleaning Tools
In order to keep horse dental tools sterile, clean buckets, sterilization solution, surgical gloves and sometimes surgical gowns or aprons are used.
Checking Tools
These tools help the equine dentist inspect the horse's mouth. These include small flashlights, long-handled mirrors and long-handled probes.
These equine dental tools, used to remove tooth fragments or entire teeth, include pliers, forceps and tooth elevators (long-handled picks).
Finishing Tools
According to Horse Owner's Veterinary Handbook (Thomas Gore, DVM, et al; 2008), files and rasps have long handles and carbon-chip blades. They make sure the teeth are smooth.
Basic Equine Dental Tools
Horses, ponies, donkeys and mules need their teeth checked twice a year. Any sharp edges need to be floated (filed) or the animal will not be able to eat properly and may contract dental disease. A lot of tools are involved.