Use of Regu-Mate

Regu-Mate is a synthetic form of progesterone called progestin. It prevents undesirable behavior in a mare during training or performing. It is also used to regulate the mare's heat cycle for a specific time of breeding.
  1. Breeding and Regu-Mate

    • Many breeders use Regu-Mate to regulate multiple mares to cycle within a week of each other. This helps maximize the use of a stallion and controls the timing of when the foals will be born.


    • Administer Regu-Mate at 1 milliliter (ml) per 110 pounds daily for 15 consecutive days. The treatment can be applied to the usual grain ration or orally to the back of the tongue. See dosage chart below.


    • Start Regu-Mate four days prior to an event, and continue use for 15 consecutive days.

    Keeping Focused

    • A mare's heat cycle can cause mood swings, keep her from focusing correctly, and result in unwanted behavior. Regu-Mate suppresses the estrus and helps the mare keep focused.


    • Do not handle this product if you are pregnant or think you may be pregnant.
      Wear gloves when using this product.
      Skin exposure: wash skin immediately with soap and water.
      Eye exposure: flush eyes out for 15 minutes.