Harmful Side Effects of Creatine in Horses

Creatine is often marketed as having no side effects. Since creatine is a dietary supplement, there is little regulation involved, and manufacturers are not required to list the potential side effects.
  1. Significance

    • Creatine's side effects have not been examined through large-scale scientific studies, but there are some potentially harmful side effects that have been reported by horse owners.


    • Creatine allows the muscles to absorb more water, which causes the horse to become dehydrated if a large amount of water is not consumed daily.

    Kidney Problems

    • If a horse consistently lacks the proper amount of hydration, this may cause damage to the kidneys.

    Chronic Compartment Syndrome

    • Although not studied in horses, creatine has been shown to cause pain in the lower legs in humans. This is due to the abundance of water in the leg muscles. This can also cause serious tissue damage.


    • Creatine is considered safe for horses when used at the proper dosage.