How to Apply DMSO

Dimethyl-Sulfoxide (DMSO) is a well known inflammatory drug that can be used intravenously, orally or topically. It has the ability to absorb quickly into the skin, and can be used to "carry" other drugs, especially antibiotics. It has been widely used for pulled muscles, laminitis, head and spinal injuries and arthritis. It also traps free radicals, which will increase healing time. Free radicals are found when tissue is damaged, and slows down the healing process. DMSO is commonly used for horses, more than any other animal species. Apply topically, when recommended by your veterinarian.

Things You'll Need

  • DMSO-liquid or gel
  • Furacin ointment
  • Brush or curry comb
  • Soap and water
  • Towel
  • Rubber gloves
  • Safety glasses
  • Toothbrush
  • Vet wrap
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      Assemble everything you will need to complete this treatment. Dilute the DMSO liquid with a furacin ointment, to prevent it from irritating or burning the skin.

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      Tie your horse securely in an outdoor or well-ventilated area. This application shouldn't cause your horse any discomfort, but any time you are working with your horse, safety for both of you is a priority.

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      Clean the area to be medicated thoroughly. This may require only a good brushing, but if dirt or any other foreign substance is present, take the time to wash with soap, and rinse and thoroughly dry the area prior to continuing. DMSO has the ability to carry anything including dirt and germs into the body.

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      Put rubber gloves on before handling the DMSO. Safety glasses are also a good precaution, as DMSO can cause severe eye problems if splashed into the eyes.
      As with all chemicals, consult your doctor if you are pregnant, or think you may become pregnant.

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      Apply the DMSO to the affected area with gloved hands using a toothbrush or similar applicator, going with the lay of the hair. Do not drench the area. Depending on the injury you are treating, your veterinarian may recommending using a sweat wrap, which consists of cotton and a vet wrap. Follow his instructions on wrapping your horse's legs.