How to Prevent Colic in Horses

Colic occurs in approximately 10 percent of horses annually, and ranges from mild severity to potentially deadly. It's essential that people who own and work with horses can not only recognize the symptoms of colic but know how to prevent it.
  1. Routines

    • Horses are animals of routine, and any change to their routine can cause a great amount of stress. That stress can trigger digestive issues; it is essential that horses be allowed to fall into consistent routines.


    • Regular exercise is crucial to keeping a horse's entire system healthy and working efficiently. Regular turnout and plenty of room to run is crucial to keeping a horse strong and healthy.


    • Grain should be divided into two or three smaller feedings rather than one large feeding. Hay or grass, the best food to have available in quantities throughout the day, should make up most of the horse's diet. An excess of nutrient- and supplement-heavy foods can cause digestive issues that turn into colic.


    • Horses should always have access to fresh, clean water. After strenuous exercise, the horse should be allowed to cool down before drinking very much ---a hot horse should be given small amounts of warm water until they have cooled down.

    Feeding Procedures

    • Ingestion of sand and dirt can also play havoc on a horse's digestive system; hay should never be fed on a sandy or dirty surface.


    • Stress can also cause colic, especially when there are changes in the horse's environment or workload. To minimize stress, horses should be introduced to new barn- and pasture-mates slowly to give them time to familiarize themselves with each other. Changes in workload should also be introduced slowly.


    • Foreign matter that can be ingested can also cause colic. Food and water buckets should be cleaned regularly, and hay should be checked for foreign matter before it is offered. Twine and other ropes should always be removed from hay.